+1 (905)-301-9983
President & CEO
Mr. Lawrick is the Managing Director of Thorsen-Fordyce Merchant Capital Inc., a private Toronto based merchant bank focused principally on the mineral industry. Mr Lawrick was the Founder of Signal Gold Inc. (formerly Anaconda Mining Inc.), after merging his private company – Colorado Resources Inc with Signal Gold Inc. (formerly Anaconda Mining Inc.) in 2007. He served as President & CEO of the Signal Gold Inc. (formerly Anaconda Mining Inc.) until 2010, and has served as an officer and/or director of several other private and public mining and mineral exploration companies, including Volta Resources Inc. (TSX), Franconia Minerals Corporation (TSX), Brionor Resources Inc. (formerly Normabec Mining Resources Ltd.) (TSXV), and NorthWest Copper Corp. (formerly Serengeti Resources Inc.) (TSXV). Mr. Lawrick holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree (BCOM) from the University of Calgary.
Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Francis brings significant financial management and reporting experience in the junior mining industry to Magna Terra. Mr. Francis previously worked as Corporate Controller with Signal Gold Inc. (formerly Anaconda Mining Inc.), Jaguar Mining Inc., and Newmarket Gold Inc. (formerly Crocodile Gold Corp.) where he managed the public financial reporting obligations and was involved in risk management, treasury and capital markets, and corporate development. He obtained his CPA, CA with MNP LLP and holds a Masters of Management and Professional Accounting (MMPA) from the University of Toronto.
Chief Geologist, Atlantic Canada Exploration
25-year experience in grassroots gold and base metal exploration, development and mining projects in North America and Australia, with a focus on Eastern Canada. Previously Exploration Manager and Chief Geologist for Rubicon Minerals, Paragon Minerals, Coastal Gold and Signal Gold Inc. (formerly Anaconda Mining Inc.).
Ms. Kajda, CPA, CA, is a Partner and Business Advisor in MNP LLP’s Mississauga office and leads the Public Companies group for Peel Region. Patricia is fluent in IFRS and U.S. GAAP as required by Canadian and U.S. reporting issuers, and has significant experience in the junior mining and metals sector. Patricia is currently an audit committee chair and vice president board member for an NPO housing corporation and a board member of a Toronto based Chamber of Commerce. After graduating from Wilfrid Laurier University with an Honours degree in Business Administration, Patricia became a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), qualifying as a Chartered Accountant (CA).
Dr. Michael Byron has thirty years of field work, research, and senior management experience in gold, base-metal, magmatic nickel & PGE, diamond, and gemstone exploration, spanning employment within the mineral exploration industry and government. He has provided consulting services to several junior explorers on African and South American gold and diamond projects, and co-founded a number of exploration companies with interests in North and South America. Dr. Byron was Vice President, Exploration of Aurora Platinum Corp. until its sale to FNX Mining in 2005. As the initial Vice President, Exploration of Lake Shore Gold he directed expansion of their exploration projects in the Timmins Gold Camp and oversaw the growth of the Timmins West deposit to more than 1.2 million ounces of gold laying the foundations for the now producing gold mine. In 2008, he joined Nighthawk Gold Corp. and began developing projects in the Northwest Territories. As Director and Chief Geologist he supervised the acquisition and advancement of the former producing Colomac Gold mine into a new multi-million ounce opportunity. Dr. Byron currently sits on the board of five publicly traded companies (including MTT), is a professional geoscientist registered in Ontario and the Northwest Territories, and holds advanced degrees in Geology including a PhD from Carleton University of Ottawa, Ontario.
Mr. Wober is a professional geologist (P.Geo) and has over 36 years of international experience, including substantial time spent in Latin America. Mr. Wober most recently served as VP Exploration, Canada, at Osisko Mining Inc. ("Osisko"), during which time he took part in several key mergers and acquisitions and led the team through the advancement of the Windfall Deposit and the discovery of the new Lynx Zone. Prior to his role at Osisko, Mr. Wober held the position of VP Exploration for Oban Mining Corporation from 2012 to 2016, working on a wide array of projects in Latin America, including the Antamayo skarn / manto project in Peru, and the Guaynopa skarn project in Mexico. From 2008 through to 2012, working for the Pebble Limited Partnership, Mr. Wober was the Director of Site Operations for the Pebble project in Alaska, managing the field team through a Pre-Feasibility Study ("PFS") and the expansion of the resource from 3 billion tonnes to 9 billion tonnes. From 2005 to 2007, Mr. Wober acted as the VP Exploration for Great Basin Gold Ltd. ("Great Basin") based in Johannesburg, South Africa, during which time he managed the field work for the PFS, Feasibility Study, and ramp development of the Burnstone project. During his tenure with Great Basin, he was also responsible for geology during the advancement of the Hollister underground project in Nevada through to PFS and eventual bulk sample development. Mr. Wober's career also includes exploration roles with Chevron Canada Resources Limited, Noranda Exploration Company Limited and Taseko Mines Ltd. He completed his B.Sc. Geology from the University of British Columbia.
20 Adelaide St. East, Suite 401
Toronto, ON M2C 2T6
+1 (905)-301-9983
© 2025 Magna Terra Minerals All Rights Reserved.