+1 (905)-301-9983
The Rocky Brook Project (“Rocky Brook” or the “Project”) comprises approximately 10,500 hectares in 33 mineral claims, located adjacent to and along strike from the Williams Brook Project, owned by Kinross Gold Corporation (“Kinross”) and Puma Exploration Inc. (“Puma”), where a zone of high-grade gold mineralization was discovered over broad widths including drill intervals up to 5.55 g/t Au over 50.15 m. The Company acquired this significant and strategic exploration land package, located in the prolific Bathurst Mining Camp of northern New Brunswick in December 2024 via two separate option agreements. The Project is located adjacent to a 30-kilometre-long section of the Rocky Brook-Millstream fault and associated McIntyre and Ramsay Brook faults; an important structural zone controlling gold mineralization within the region (Figure 1). The Project also covers a zone of mafic volcanics and sedimentary rocks that show strong potential to host Cu-Co mineralization, adjacent to the past-producing Caribou Mine and the Murray Brook Deposit.
Recent work by prospector Tim Lavoie in 2023 led to the discovery of gold mineralization at the Fournier Lake prospect with rock outcrop samples* over a 400 m area assaying up to 5.23 g/t Au (Figure 1). Previous work has led to the discovery of high-grade copper and cobalt at the Fossil Hill prospect with grab samples* from trenches assaying up to 16.65% Cu and 0.64% Co, and high-grade copper at the Boudreau Brook prospect assaying up to 3% Cu (Figure 1).
(* Grab samples are selective by nature and may not represent the true metal content of the mineralized zone.)
The Fournier Lake gold occurrences sit adjacent to and to the south of the Rocky Brook-Millstream Fault Zone and transected by the McCormack Brook and McIntrye Brook faults; along or near that same fault systems that host the nearby Lynx Zone and Jonpol prospects (Figure 1). The Property is underlain by Silurian sedimentary rocks of the Petit Rocher Group, a deformed sequence of conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone and interbedded calcareous mudstone that are intruded by Devonian-aged Ramsay Brook gabbro (Wilson, 2013a). The Fournier Lake occurrences were discovered in 2023 by prospector Tim Lavoie where rock outcrop samples* returned assays of 5.23 g/t Au, 1.57 g/t Au, 1.16 g/t Au, and 1.07 g/t Au over a 400-metre area.
The Fournier Lake property is located to the north and east of several significant gold prospects highlighted by the adjacent Williams Brook Project where Kinross and Puma recently completed a joint venture agreement whereby Kinross can earn a 65% interest in the Williams Brook Project by spending $16,750,000 in exploration expenditures during a period of five (5) years (including a firm commitment of $2,000,000 with at least 5,000 metres of drilling during the first 18 months). Kinross also completed a concurrent private placement of $1,011,473.47 by purchasing 9.9% of the issued and outstanding shares of Puma (refer to the Puma Exploration press release dated October 24, 2024).
Gold mineralization at the Lynx Zone, located 30 kms southwest of Fournier Lake, has been drilled by Puma over a strike length of 750 m, a width of 100 m, a depth of 200 m, and remains open at depth and along strike. The gold, including visible gold, is hosted in quartz veins and breccias within rhyolite units at the contact with sedimentary rocks. Drilling has returned assays up to 5.55 g/t gold over 50.15 m (WB21-02). At Jonpol, historical diamond drilling returned 1.13 g/t Au over 12.0 m, 1.37 g/t Au over 6.0 m, 1.37 g/t Au over 1.4 m, 3.89 g/t Au over 1.0 m, and 2.78 g/t Au over 1.5 m.
The Fossil Hill and Boudreau Brook copper-cobalt occurrences are hosted within an area of complexly deformed and thrust faulted volcanic and sedimentary rocks to the south of the Ramsay Brook and Rocky Brook-Millstream Faults (Figure 1). The property is underlain by mafic volcanic rocks and associated gabbro of the middle to late California Lake and Sormany groups that are overlain by Silurian conglomerate and sandstone of the Petit Rocher Group (Wilson, 2013b). Previous work has led to the discovery of high-grade copper and cobalt at the Fossil Hill prospect with grab samples* from trenches assaying up to 16.65% Cu and 0.64% Co, and high-grade copper at the Boudreau Brook prospect assaying up to 3% Cu.
The Boudreau Brook and Fossil Hill occurrences sit approximately 5 kilometres to the north and northwest of the nearby Murray Brook Deposit and Caribou Mines in an area that has not received as much exploration as these more developed deposits. The Murray Brook Deposit hosts a Measured & Indicated mineral resource of 21.1 Mt grading 2.49% Zn, 0.45 % Cu, 0.91 % Pb, 0.56 g/t Au, and 38.6 g/t Ag (1.41% CuEq or 4.77% ZnEq)(NI43-101 technical report by Stone et al., 2023^). The nearby Caribou Mine and Mill has been in production intermittently since its discovery, with most recent mining by Trevali Mining Corporation from 2015 to 2022 and is currently on care and maintenance. The Caribou Complex currently hosts a 3,000 tonne per day SAG (semi-autogenous grinding) mill. Canadian Copper Inc. is currently in the process of acquiring the Caribou Complex with plans to mine and process the ore from their 100% owned Murray Brook Deposit at Caribou.
The Bathurst Mining Camp is one of the world’s oldest base metal (lead, zinc, copper, gold and silver) mining districts hosting one of Canada’s largest volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits, with the past-producing Brunswick No. 12 Mine having operated for 49 years. The Bathurst Mining camp is host to over 46 mineral deposits, several of which have been mined, including the Brunswick No. 6, Heath Steele, Wedge, Stratmat, Half Mile Lake, Caribou and Murray Brook. A total of 136,643,367 tonnes of ore grading 3.44% Pb, 8.74% Zn, 0.37% Cu, and 102.2 g/t Ag were mined from the Bathurst Mining Camp (McCutcheon and Walker, 2020**).
The Company has acquired the Rocky Brook Project from Prospect Or Corp., (“Prospect Or”) owned by Mr. Lavoie, under two option agreements dated December 16, 2024; the Fournier Lake Agreement (covering 7 mineral claims) and the Boudreau Brook Fossil Hill Agreement (covering 26 mineral claims), both of equivalent value. The Company can earn a 100% interest in the Rocky Brook Project by paying $5,000 in cash and issuing 650,000 common shares on signing; with $50,000 in cash and $110,000 in cash and/or consideration shares payable over a four-year period ending December 16, 2028 for each of the two agreements. Prospect Or retains a 2% Net Smelter Return Royalty (“NSR”) with 1% of the NSR purchasable at anytime by Magna Terra for $1,000,000. Magna Terra has a Right of First Refusal on the remaining 1% NSR.
All share issuances will be based on the greater of $0.05 per share or the 10-day volume weighted average price on the date a payment is due, and the Company elects to make such payment in common shares. As such, the maximum number of common shares issuable by the Company with respect to the potential share consideration payable for each of the two agreements is 2,850,000 common shares.
The common shares which may be issued under the agreements will be subject to a regulatory four month and one day hold period from their date of issuance and are subject to approval by the TSX Venture Exchange.
Figure 1:
A map showing the location of the Rocky Brook Project, adjacent exploration projects, fault zones and mineral occurrences.
This project summary has been reviewed and approved by David A. Copeland, P.Geo., a "Qualified Person", under National Instrument 43-101 - Standard for Disclosure for Mineral Projects.
All quoted drill core and rock samples results were compiled from historic assessment and government reports obtained from the government of New Brunswick. The Qualified Person has not completed sufficient work to validate these historic results.
* Grab samples are selective by nature and may not represent the true metal content of the mineralized zone.
^“Technical Report and Updated Mineral Resource Estimate of the Murray Brook ZN-PB-CU-AG Project New Brunswick Canada” (effective October 3, 2023) prepared by P&E Mining Consultants Inc. for Canadian Copper, and filed on www.sedarplus.ca
**McCutcheon, S. R., & Walker, J. A. (2020). Great Mining Camps of Canada 8. The Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick, Part 2: Mining History and Contributions to Society. Geoscience Canada, 47(3), 143–166All quoted soil and lake sediment samples results were compiled from historic assessment and government reports obtained from the government of Newfoundland and Labrador. The Qualified Person has not completed sufficient work to validate these historic results.
20 Adelaide St. East, Suite 401
Toronto, ON M2C 2T6
+1 (905)-301-9983
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