+1 (905)-301-9983
Gold and Silver in Low Sulphidation Veins
Available for Joint Venture
The Project is located in the Santa Cruz Province of Argentina, on the Northern edge of the Deseado Massif, Figure 1, approximately 75 Km to the NW of the new Don Nicolas Mine which is currently in construction. The project is accessed from Fitzroy on 80 km of unpaved roads and farm tracks and is adjacent to the Luna Roja project to the North.
Figure 1, Deseado Massif, Magnaterra Minerals Property Map.
Magna Terra Minerals
Magna Terra Minerals has 100% control of the El Monte III M.D. which constitute 4,000 Hectares, see Figure 2, on which the project is based. The Signos project consists of multiple Gold occurrences in veins and vein breccias occurring in three distinct zones, which we term “Lambda”, “Alpha”, and “Omega”, see Figure 3, in an area covering approximately 1 by 2 Km.
The Lambda zone is based on a vein which is hosted in Andesite, which is accompanied by silicification, argillization, and adularia. The host rock is probably part of the Bajo Pobre Formation (Early Jurassic). Surface sampling of float and sub-crop reported several rock chips with gram plus material including a sample of 8.7 ppm Au. A short east-west trench across a mineralized structure revealed a fault-vein contact between felsic volcanic rock and andesite. Channel sampling of the fault-vein yielded 9 meters of 153 ppb Au equivalent, including 3 meters of 233 ppb Au. The andesite is
The Alpha zone is centered on an elongate east-west trending rhyolite dome which hosts a zone of sub-parallel quartz veins at least 250 meters long. More than 30 samples have been taken in the Alpha zone, mostly in sub-crop and float of brecciated and silicified rhyolite. Gold concentrations in the hundreds of ppb are common but one outlier with 26 ppm gold was reported.
The Omega Zone is the southernmost prospect of the Signos project and consists of a large dome with spotty gold around its periphery. Two IP lines were employed in the zone, cutting the mineralized area from north to South with minor chargeable anomalies were identified.
Figure 2, El Monte I, II and III property boundaries relative to regional geology. The El Monte III property is home to the Signos projects whereas the El Monte I and II properties are home to the Luna Roja Project.
Figure 3, Signos Geology with three principal mineralized zones, Lambda, Alpha and Omega.
20 Adelaide St. East, Suite 401
Toronto, ON M2C 2T6
+1 (905)-301-9983
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